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A Powerful IDE


As a modern and demanding coder you want an IDE that has a collection of tools to speed up your development and help you satisfy your client as fast as possible. Pharo focuses on R.A.D (Rapid Application Development) and delivers a collection of tools that include :


  1. Workspace . For quickly testing code and trying ideas.

  2. Transcript. For printing logs and any kind of text to help you output useful data from your application

  3.  System Browser. Quickly browser any class, edit its instance/class variable and its instance/class method with single clicks or using keyboard shortcuts. System browser also comes with a lot of refactoring tools to automate common tasts, like renaming variable, creating tests for mothes, copying , pasting , browsing , finding implementators, senders and much more

  4. Code completion. Coming as a standard feature for most modern IDEs this feature is essential for Pharo as it allows you to quickly complete names of objects and their message anywhere inside the IDE. 

  5. Test Runner. You have hundrends even thousands of tests in the click of a button. Grab you coffee , relax and sit back. Test runner comes also with a variety of options to customise your testing to your needs.

  6. Configuration Browser. Other IDEs/Languages require a complicate process to install third party libraries , tools and addons. Not Pharo. With a single click you can install a variaty of libraries that have the potential to even completly transform you Pharo experience

  7. Finder. Quickly find classes, methods, variables, source code and much more using simple searches or even complex regex strings. Nothing is out of the reach of the finder. 

  8. Monitcello Browser. Version control tailored for the needs of the Pharo coder, easy setups, quick commites, merges and much more. 


Many more tools at your disposal come included with Pharo or can be found as external libraries online. 

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